Backyard Flyer

Mission Script

Criteria Meet Specification

Fill in the state transition methods for Drone class: arming_transition(), takeoff_transition(), waypoint_transition(), landing_transition(), and disarming_transition() are all filled in.

Each of the command methods are filled in with an appropriate command(s) to the vehicle and transitions to the respective state in the state machine.

Fill in the appropriate callbacks. Shell state_callback, local_position_callback, and velocity_callback are provided though they may not be required for all states.

The callbacks check appropriate criteria dependent on the current state and transition to the appropriate next state when that criteria is met. Criteria cannot be time based!

Mission Analysis

Criteria Meet Specification

Running the script correctly commands the vehicle to fly in a square.

The vehicle should fly in a square shape and land within 1m of the starting location. The size of each side of the square can be any value you choose.

Tips to make your project standout:

The student iterates on their approach to better command the vehicle to fly the box. Additional plots of the vehicle altitude, velocity, or heading to better understand the drone's behavior